Vrijeme: 08:21

To su ,,samo'' zagonetke | "Just" puzzles #1

Tri Britanca iđahu zajedno na tržnicu, u pratnji svojih boljih polovica. Muškarcima imena bjehu Andrew, George i Michael, a ženama Emma, Olivia i Catherine. Svatko od njih kupio je (u raznih trgovaca) onoliko kilograma mesa koliko šilinga je platio za jedan kilogram. Ispostavilo se da je svaki muškarac potrošio tri gvineje više od svoje žene. Ako je Michael kupio 23 kilograma mesa više od Catherine, a Andrew 11 više od Olivije, odredi tko je Georgeova žena i koliko kilograma mesa je ona kupila.

Napomena: 1 gvineja iznosi 21 šiling.

Odgovor zapišite u obliku ime_žene:N, gdje je ime_žene ime Georgove žene, a N iznos kilograma mesa kojeg je kupila.

Three Brits went together to the market place, accompanied by their better halves. Men's names hath been Andrew, George and Michael, and women's Emma, Olivia and Catherine. Each of them bought (from various resellers) as many kilos of meat as many shillings they paid for one kilo. It turned out that each men spent three guineas more than his respective wife. If Michael bought 23 kilos of meat more than Catherine, and Andrew 11 more than Olivia, determine which of the women is George's wife and how much meat she bought.

Remark: 1 guinea equals 21 shilling.

Write your answer in form wife's_name:N, where wife's_name is name of George's wife and N is the amount of meat in kilos that she bought.