Vrijeme: 21:36

Tko je ukrao pite? | Who stole the pies? #1

- Ispecimo pite!- Kralj od Srca reče Kraljici jednog hladnjikavog ljetnog dana.
- Kakvog smisla ima peći pite bez pekmeza? - reče Kraljica bijesno, - Pa pekmez je njihov najbolji dio.
- Pa, napravi ih onda s pekmezom! - reče Kralj.
- Ne mogu! - prodere se Kraljica - Pekmez je ukraden!
- Zaista?! - reče Kralj - To je prilično ozbiljno. A tko ga je ukrao?
- Zašto od mene očekuješ da znam tko ga je ukrao? Kada bih znala, već odavno bih ga imala zajedno sa zlikovčevom glavom u vreći!
Kralj pošalje vojnike u potragu za nestalim pekmezom. Pronašli su ga u kući Ožujskoga Zeca, Ludog Klobučara i Puha. Svu su trojicu odmah uhapsili i odveli pred sud.
- Hajde sada! - izjavi Kralj na suđenju - Želim sve znati! Nije mi drago kada mi netko zalazi u kuhinju i krade pekmez!

- E tako! - reče Kralj, udobno se zavalivši na svinju do smrti je svojom težinom pritišćući - Želim sve znati!
Jesi li ti, kojim slučajem ukrao pekmez? - upita Kralj Ožujskog Zeca.
- Nikada ja nisam ukrao pekmez! - brani se Ožujski Zec.
- A što je s tobom? - Kralj se namjeri na Klobučara koji se tresao poput lista na vjetru. - Jesi li ti možda taj lupež?
Klobučar nije mogao riječ prozboriti; samo je tupo stajao drhteći i prolijevajući čaj.
- Ako ništa ne govori, znači da je kriv - reče Kraljica - Skinite mu glavu!
- Nemojte, nemojte!, zavapio je Klobučar - Jedan je od nas ukrao pekmez, ali ja nisam bio taj!
- Zabilježite što je rekao - reče Kralj poroti - Ovaj će nam iskaz možda biti jako važan.
- A ti?, nastavi Kralj zapitavši Puha - Što nam ti možeš o svemu ovome reći? Jesu li Ožujski Zec i Klobučar rekli istinu?
- Istinu je rekao barem jedan od njih - reče Puh i zaspi do kraja preostalog dijela suđenja.
Daljnja nam je istraga pokazala da nije tako da su i Ožujski Zec i Puh rekli istinu.

Tko je ukrao pekmez?

Odgovor na pitanje je Zec, Klobučar ili Puh.

“Let’s bake some pies!” said the King of Hearts to the Queen on a chilly summer day.
“What’s the point of baking pies without jam?” the Queen snapped back. “The jam is the best part!”
“Then just make them with jam!” the King replied.
“I can’t!” the Queen shouted. “The jam has been stolen!”
“Really?!” exclaimed the King. “That’s serious. Who stole it?”
“Why do you expect me to know who took it? If I did, I would’ve already had it back, along with the thief’s head in a bag!”
The King sent soldiers to search for the missing jam. They found it in the house of the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Dormouse. All three were immediately arrested and taken to court.
“Alright then!” declared the King at the trial. “I want to know everything! I don’t like it when someone sneaks into my kitchen and steals my jam!”

“So!” said the King, comfortably settling down on a pig, crushing it under his weight. “I want to know everything!”
“Did you, by any chance, steal the jam?” he asked the March Hare.
“I would never steal jam!” protested the March Hare.
“What about you?” The King turned to the Hatter, who was shaking like a leaf in the wind. “Are you the thief?”
The Hatter couldn't say a word; he just stood there trembling and spilling tea.
“If he doesn’t speak, it means he’s guilty,” said the Queen. “Off with his head!”
“Please, no!” the Hatter cried. “One of us stole the jam, but it wasn’t me!”
“Note what he said,” the King instructed the jury. “This testimony could be very important.”
“And you?” the King asked the Dormouse. “What can you tell us about this? Did the March Hare and the Hatter tell the truth?”
“At least one of them is telling the truth,” said the Dormouse before falling asleep for the rest of the trial.
Further investigation revealed that it wasn’t true that both the March Hare and the Dormouse had told the truth.

So, who stole the jam?

The answer could be Hare, Hatter, or Dormouse.