Vrijeme: 21:25

Tko je ukrao pite? | Who stole the pies? #2

- Sada, kad smo pronašli pekmez, ispeci tu pitu! - reče kralj.
- A kako ću ju ispeći bez brašna? - upita Kraljica.
- Pa zar je i brašno ukradeno? - zavapi Kralj.
- I brašno - reče Kraljica - Pronađi lopova i odsijeci mu glavu.
- Čekaj malo, ne žuri! - reče Kralj.
No, brašno je morao pronaći. I pronašao ga je u kući Ožujskog Zeca, Ludog Klobučara i Puha, i njih je trojcu odmah dao uhapsiti i suditi.
Na sudu, Ožujski Zec je tvrdio da ga je ukrao Klobučar.
I Klubučar i Puh na sudu su dali iskaz, ali on iz nekog razloga nije ostao zabilježen.
Svejedno, na kraju se pokazalo da je samo jedan od njih ukrao brašno, i taj je bio jedini koji je rekao istinu.

Tko je ukrao brašno?

Odgovor na pitanje je Zec, Klobučar ili Puh.

“Now that we’ve found the jam, bake that pie!” said the King.
“But how am I supposed to bake it without flour?” asked the Queen.
“Wait, did someone steal the flour too?” the King exclaimed.
“Yup, the flour is gone,” replied the Queen. “Find the thief and cut off his head!”
“Hold on, don’t rush!” said the King.
But he had to find the flour. He discovered it in the house of the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Dormouse, and he had all three arrested and brought to trial.
In court, the March Hare claimed that the Hatter was the one who stole the flour.
Both the Hatter and the Dormouse testified in court, but for some reason, their statements weren’t recorded.
Regardless, it turned out that only one of them had stolen the flour, and he was the only one who told the truth.

So, who stole the flour?

The answer could be Hare, Hatter, or Dormouse.