Vrijeme: 09:06
Tko je ukrao pite? | Who stole the pies? #3
- Eto ti brašna - reče kralj sretno - Hajde, ispeci tu pitu!
- Pitu bez papra? - reče Kraljica.
- Papar?! - vrisne Kralj u čuđenju i nevjerici - Ti stavljaš papar u pitu?
- Ne stavljam ga puno - odgovori Kraljica.
- Pretpostavljam da je i on ukraden!
- Dakako - reče Kraljica. - Pronađi papar, a kada pronađeš i lopova skini mu...
- Ma stani malo! - reče joj Kralj.
No, papar je, dakako, morao pronaći. Kao što svi znate, oni koji kradu papar nikada ne govore istinu. Nasumnjivija je bila Damina kuharica. Na sudu je izjavila tek ovo:
- Znadem tko je ukrao papar!
- Pitu bez papra? - reče Kraljica.
- Papar?! - vrisne Kralj u čuđenju i nevjerici - Ti stavljaš papar u pitu?
- Ne stavljam ga puno - odgovori Kraljica.
- Pretpostavljam da je i on ukraden!
- Dakako - reče Kraljica. - Pronađi papar, a kada pronađeš i lopova skini mu...
- Ma stani malo! - reče joj Kralj.
No, papar je, dakako, morao pronaći. Kao što svi znate, oni koji kradu papar nikada ne govore istinu. Nasumnjivija je bila Damina kuharica. Na sudu je izjavila tek ovo:
- Znadem tko je ukrao papar!
Je li Damina kuharica ukrala papar?
Odgovor na pitanje je da ili ne.
“Here’s the flour,” said the King happily. “Now go bake that pie!”
“A pie without pepper?” asked the Queen.
“Pepper?!” exclaimed the King in shock and disbelief. “You put pepper in the pie?”
“Not much,” replied the Queen.
“I suppose that’s been stolen too!”
“Of course,” said the Queen. “Find the pepper, and when you find the thief, make sure to…”
“Wait a minute!” interrupted the King.
But he had to find the pepper. As you all know, those who steal pepper never tell the truth. The prime suspect was the Duchess's cook. In court, she simply stated:
“I know who stole the pepper!”
“A pie without pepper?” asked the Queen.
“Pepper?!” exclaimed the King in shock and disbelief. “You put pepper in the pie?”
“Not much,” replied the Queen.
“I suppose that’s been stolen too!”
“Of course,” said the Queen. “Find the pepper, and when you find the thief, make sure to…”
“Wait a minute!” interrupted the King.
But he had to find the pepper. As you all know, those who steal pepper never tell the truth. The prime suspect was the Duchess's cook. In court, she simply stated:
“I know who stole the pepper!”
Did the Duchess's cook steal the pepper?
The answer to the question is either yes or no.