Vrijeme: 21:30
Mandela efekt | Mandela effect #2
Ivan, Goca i Miki natjecali su se u obaranju ruke. U svakoj igri dva su dečka obarali ruke dok se treći odmarao. Nakon svake igre pobjednik bi igrao protiv dečka koji se odmarao. Ukupno je Ivan igrao 10 puta, Goca 15 puta i Miki 17 puta. Tko je izgubio u drugoj igri?
Ivan, Goca and Miki competed in arm wrestling. In each game, two boys played while the third one rested. After each game the winner would play against the boy who was resting. In total, Ivan played 10 times, Goca 15 times and Miki 17 times. Who lost in the second game?