Vrijeme: 21:24

Mandela efekt | Mandela effect #3

Ivan se biciklom dovezao iz hotela Ankaran do restorana Adria. Trebao je stići točno u 15 sati, ali je \frac{2}{3} planiranog vremena potrošio na prelazak \frac{3}{4} puta. Nakon toga je vozio sporije i stigao je na cilj točno na vrijeme. Koji je omjer brzina na prvom i drugom dijelu Ivanova puta?
Ivan rode his bicycle from the Ankaran hotel to the Adria restaurant. He was supposed to arrive exactly at 3 p.m., but spent \frac{2}{3} of the planned time crossing \frac{3}{4} of the way. After that, he slowed down and arrived at the restaurant exactly on time. What is the speed ratio of the first and second part of the trip?