Vrijeme: 21:26
Mandela efekt | Mandela effect #4
Muškarac uvijek govori istinu četvrtkom i petkom, uvijek laže utorkom, a ostale dane u tjednu govori istinu ili laže bez pravila. Pitali su ga, sedam dana uzastopno, za njegovo ime i odgovori prvih 6 dana bili su: Ivan, Dino, Ivan, Dino, Goca, Dino. Što je muškarac odgovorio sedmog dana?
A man always tells the truth on Thursdays and Fridays, always lies on Tuesdays, and on other days of the week he tells the truth or lies without rules. They asked him, seven days in a row, for his name and the answers for the first 6 days were: Ivan, Dino, Ivan, Dino, Goca, Dino. What did the man answer on the seventh day?