Vrijeme: 21:34

EM2 bez raka | EM2 without cancer #3

Neka je ABCD paralelogram. Neka su M i N polovišta stranica AB i CD, te neka je P sjecište pravaca BN i CM. Nadalje, neka je T sjecište pravaca AP i BC. Koliki je omjer |CT|:|BT|? Napišite ga u obliku x_1:x_2, bez razmaka!
Let ABCD be a parallelogram. Let M and N be the midpoints of sides AB and CD, respectively, and let P be the intersection of lines BN and CM. Furthermore, let T be the intersection of lines AP and BC. What is the ratio |CT|:|BT|? Write your answer in the form x_1:x_2 without spaces!