Vrijeme: 05:22
Muke zavodnika PMF-a | The struggles of the PMF seducer #2
Nakon što je upoznao brucošice, primijetio je da ih je za neki prost broj, pa je onima koje nije eliminirao u prethodnom zadatku dodijelio nove brojeve . Naravno, drugi deal-breaker mu je ako za curu s (novom) oznakom postoji neki takav da . Koliko je brucošica ostalo nakon ovog eliminacijskog testa?
After meeting the freshmen girls, he noticed that there were of them for some prime number, so he assigned new numbers to those who hadn't been eliminated in the previous task. Naturally, his second deal-breaker is if, for a girl with (new) label , there exists some such that . How many freshmen girls remain after this elimination test?