Vrijeme: 21:23

Muke zavodnika PMF-a | The struggles of the PMF seducer #4

Na samom kraju, nakon što je odabrao 13 djevojaka u prošlom zadatku, Salopekovoj curi je prekipjelo i odlučila je prekinuti s njim. On, vidno pogođen tom informacijom, potrudio se dobro odabrati brucošicu s kojom će biti i u dobru i u zlu dok ih smrt ne rastavi. Kako mu ljepota ipak igra neku ulogu, odlučio je elimirati 2 brucošice koje su na rubu reda. Ostalih 11 cura ima zadatak: svaka od njih mora izračunati \frac{\sin(2^{k + 4} \pi / 89)}{\sin(2^k \pi / 89)} za svoj broj k (koji je sad jedan od 1,2,\dots,11. Na kraju, svoje rezultate zbrajaju i to priopćuju Salopeku. Salopek je zatečen: rezultat koji su dobile je cijeli broj. Salopek to informaciju koristi tako da nađe ostatak koji taj broj daje pri dijeljenju s 11 (za potrebe zadatka jedan od 1,2,\dots 11) i odabire brucošicu s tim brojem. Mi vas pitamo: brucošica s kojim brojem mu je suđena?
In the end, after selecting 13 girls in the previous task, Salopek’s girlfriend had enough and decided to break up with him. Visibly affected by this, he made an effort to carefully choose a freshman girl with whom he would stay through good and bad times until death do them part. Since beauty still plays a role for him, he decided to eliminate the 2 girls at the ends of the line. The remaining 11 girls have a task: each of them must calculate \frac{\sin(2^{k + 4} \pi / 89)}{\sin(2^k \pi / 89)} for her number k (which is now one of 1, 2, \dots, 11). In the end, they sum up their results and report them to Salopek. Salopek is astonished: the result they got is an integer. He uses that information to find the remainder when that number is divided by 11 (for the purposes of the task, one of 1, 2, \dots, 11) and chooses the girl with that number. Our question to you is: which girl’s number is destined for him?