Vrijeme: 05:20
Vragovi i čokolade | Devils and chocolates #3
Troje prijatelja (Borna, Fran, Nika) nose različite veličine majica (L, XL, ), imaju različitog omiljenog košarkaša ( , Larry Bird, LeBron James) i različiti omiljen bend (Zabranjeno pušenje, KUKU$, Luzeri). Uz pomoć hintova nam recite tko nosi .
1. Nika nije najmanja u grupi
2. Fran ne voli novu muziku
3. Osoba koja voli Larry Birda sluša KUKU$
4. Borna ne voli Larry Birda
5. Obožavatelj KUKU$-a začudo ne nosi
6. Borna je veći od Frana (on god)
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Three friends (Borna, Fran, Nika) wear different shirt sizes (L, XL, ), have different favorite basketball players ( , Larry Bird, LeBron James), and different favorite bands (Zabranjeno pušenje, KUKU$, Luzeri). Using the hints, tell us who wears .
1. Nika is not the smallest in the group.
2. Fran doesn’t like new music.
3. The person who likes Larry Bird listens to KUKU$.
4. Borna doesn’t like Larry Bird.
5. The fan of KUKU$ surprisingly doesn’t wear .
6. Borna is bigger than Fran (no cap).
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