Vrijeme: 21:51
Prekrasna Banka | Beautiful Bank #1
Marin je marljivo u svojoj kasici prasici uštedio 1568 eura i nema ih u planu uskoro potrošiti. Znajući da štednjom u kasici prasici njegov novac gubi na vrijednosti zbog inflacije, htio je svoj novac uložiti. Ne razumije se u dionice, fondove, a bome ni kriptovalute. Zato se odlučio za najmanje rizičnu (i najmanje isplativu) opciju štednje u banci. Srećom, pronašao je banku koja svojim štedišama daje izvrsne kamate u zamjenu za raspolaganje njihovim novcem na određeno vrijeme: Prekrasnu Banku, poznatiju i kao PB. PB je Marinu dao godišnju kamatnu stopu od 2.15% uz obračunavanje kamata po jednostavnom kamatnom računu. Držao je novce u Prekrasnoj banci neki broj godina i time dobio 168 eura i 56 centi kamata. Koliko godina? (rješenje zaokružite na cijeli broj)
Marin diligently saved 1568 euros in his piggy bank and doesn’t plan on spending it soon. Knowing that by staying in his piggy bank, his money loses value due to inflation, he wants to invest his money. He doesn't understand stocks, funds, and especially not cryptocurrencies. That's why he decided on the least risky (and least profitable) option of saving in the bank. Fortunately, he found a bank that gives their clients excellent interest rates in exchange for having their money at their disposal for a certain period of time: Beautiful Bank, better known as BB. BB gave Marin an annual simple interest rate of 2.15%. He kept the money in BB for a number of years and thus received 168 euros and 56 cents of interest. How many years? (round your solution to the nearest integer)