Vrijeme: 21:50

Prekrasna Banka | Beautiful Bank #2

Marija je konačno položila vozački ispit i sada želi kupiti automobil - staru Ladu svog susjeda Periše. Periša svojoj dragoj susjedi prodaje Mariji staru Ladu prodaje po VIP cijeni od 2000 eura. Autoškola je bila skupa, pa ga Marija ne može kupiti svojim novcem. Ima 500 eura ušteđevine, a za preostalih 1500 podigla je kredit u Prekrasnoj banci na godinu dana uz godišnju kamatnu stopu od 3%. Koliko kamata je Marija dužna banci nakon sedam mjeseci? Ovdje se iznos godišnje kamate dijeli na 12 i zbraja mjesečno umjesto kontinuirano.
Marija finally passed her driving test and now she wants to buy a car - her neighbor Periša's old Lada. Periša is selling his old Lada to his dear neighbor Marija at a VIP price of 2,000 euros. The driving school was expensive, so Marija cannot buy it with her own money. She has 500 euros in savings, and for the remaining 1,500 she took out a loan at the Beautiful Bank for one year with an annual interest rate of 3%. How much interest does Marija owe the bank after seven months? Here, the annual interest amount is divided by 12 and compounded monthly instead of continuously.