Vrijeme: 21:15

Prekrasna Banka | Beautiful Bank #4

Tvornica šestara postigla je neviđeni porast u prometu nakon promoviranja sa svojom novom maskotom, veprom sa šest nogu. Žele iskoristiti priliku i povećati proizvodnju, pa dižu kredit u Prekrasnoj Banci od 666 666 eura uz kamatnu stopu 4.20% i rok otplate 5 godina. Kolika će biti mjesečna rata kredita ako su sve jednake? Odgovor zakružite na dva decimalna mjesta.
A compass factory achieved an unprecedented increase in traffic after promoting its new mascot, a boar with six legs. They want to use that opportunity and increase production, so they took out a loan in Beautiful Bank of 666,666 euros with an interest rate of 4.20% and a repayment period of 5 years. What will be the monthly installment of the loan if they are all equal? Round the answer to two decimal places.