Vrijeme: 08:52

ermm, what the sigma? | ermm, what the sigma? #3

Nakon što je izmewao sve što je planirao, shvatio je da je vrijeme za jedan masni mogging. Međutim, kao pravi sigma, on ne voli ovisiti o drugima, ali mora priznati da su za mogging neophodni prijatelji. Pomozite mu otkriti koliko mu prijatelja treba da ih W rizz izmogga ko freddy fazbear tako da riješite sljedeću jednadžbu:


Naravno, svi znaju da je broj prijatelja uvijek iracionalan i da nikad nije pozitivan. Broj prijatelja treba napisati u decimalnom zapisu, sa 3 decimalna mjesta uz standardna pravila zaokruživanja (5,6,7,8,9 ide naviše, a 0,1,2,3,4 naniže).

After he finished all his mewing, Baby Gronk realized it was time for some serious mogging. However, as a true sigma, he doesn’t like relying on others, but even he has to admit that friends are necessary for mogging. Help him figure out how many friends he needs to W rizz mog like Freddy Fazbear by solving the following equation:


Of course, everyone knows that the number of friends is always irrational and never positive. The number of friends should be written as a decimal with 3 decimal places, following standard rounding rules (5,6,7,8,9 rounds up, and 0,1,2,3,4 rounds down).