Vrijeme: 21:27

The Rookie Spinoff | The Rookie Spinoff #1

Lucy i Tim idu na medeni mjesec u Meksiko malim avionom koji ima 4 reda po 3 sjedala. Osam putnika se već ukrcalo na avion, i sjelo nasumično. Koja je vjerojatnost da će Lucy i Tim, koji se ukrcavaju idući, sjediti jedno pored drugoga, ako znamo da će svakako sjesti jedno pored drugog ako imaju tu mogućnost? Rezultat napišite kao broj kojeg zaokružujete na 3 decimalna mjesta npr. ako je rješenje 33\%, zapišite ga kao "0.330".
Lucy and Tim are going on their honeymoon to Mexico in a small plane that has 4 rows with 3 seats each. Eight passengers have already boarded the plane and taken their seats randomly. What is the probability that Lucy and Tim, who are boarding next, will sit next to each other, if we know that they will sit next to each other if they have the opportunity? Write the result as a number that you round to 3 decimal places, eg if the solution is 33\%, write it as "0.330".