Vrijeme: 21:16

Demo G | Demo G #4

Zadan je trokut ABC. Neka su D i E točke na stranici BC takve da vrijedi BD=DE=EC. Neka je F polovište stranice AC. Pravac BF siječe AD u točki P, a AE u točki Q. Odredite omjer površine trokuta APQ i četverokuta PDEQ. Napišite odgovor u obliku razlomka poput a/b.
Let ABC be a triangle. Let D,E be points on the segment BC such that BD=DE=EC. Let F be the mid-point of AC. Let BF intersect AD in P and AE in Q respectively. Determine the ratio of the area of the triangle APQ to that of the quadrilateral PDEQ. Write the answer in fraction form like a/b.