Vrijeme: 21:42

Skibidifantske jednadžbe | Skibidiofant equations #1

"TO SAM JA VELIKI ČAROBNJAK FEEENIKS!!! Princ tame je oteo mog prijatelja Marka i moju sovu Sandstorm. Moja magija je dovoljno jaka da ih oslobodim, ali moram prvo proći kroz ove skibidifantske jednadžbe kako bih oslobodio puni potencijal svojih moći."
Odredite sve cjelobrojne parove (n,m) koji zadovoljavaju: \frac{1}{n} + \frac{4}{m} + \frac{7}{nm} = 1 Rješenja u ovom lancu zapišite kao sumu kvadrata svih n,m koji zadovoljavaju danu skibidifantsku jednadžbu npr. ako su rješenja (n,m) = (5,5) i (n,m) = (10,10) ona u polje za rješenje upišite 5^2 + 5^2 + 10^2 + 10 ^2 = 250.

"I AM THE GREAT WIZARD PHOENIX!!! The Prince of Darkness has kidnapped my friend Marko and my owl, Sandstorm. My magic is strong enough to free them, but I must first solve these skibidifant equations to unlock the full potential of my powers."

Determine all integer pairs (n, m) that satisfy the equation: \frac{1}{n} + \frac{4}{m} + \frac{7}{nm} = 1 For this chain, write the solution as the sum of the squares of all n, m that satisfy the given skibidifant equation. For example, if the solutions are (n,m) = (5,5) and (n,m) = (10,10), then in the solution field, you would write 5^2 + 5^2 + 10^2 + 10^2 = 250.