Vrijeme: 21:44

Pješke do Samobora! | Walking to Samobor! #2

Prvi zadatak kojeg se Fran sjetio glasio je:

Find the maximal cardinality |S| of the subset S \subset A=\{1, 2, 3, \dots, 9\} given that no two sums a+b | a, b \in S, a \neq b are equal.

I dok ga je u glavi riješio, već je prošao City Centar i krenuo prema Podsusedu. Budite marljivi kao i Fran i riješite ovaj zadatak.

The first problem Fran thought of was:

Find the maximal cardinality |S| of the subset S \subset A = \{1, 2, 3, \dots, 9\} given that no two sums a+b where a, b \in S and a \neq b are equal.

While solving it in his head, Fran had already passed City Center and was heading toward Podsused. Be as diligent as Fran and solve this problem.