Vrijeme: 21:37

Pješke do Samobora! | Walking to Samobor! #4

Nakon neuspjeha na prošlom zadatku, odlučio je više se potruditi na idućem zadatku:
Find all integer triples (a,b,c) with a>0>b>c whose sum equal 0 such that the number N=2017-a^3b-b^3c-c^3ais a perfect square of an integer.
Zadatak nije lagan pa je na njega potrošio cijeli put kroz Bestovje. Okušajte se i vi! (rješenje napišite u obliku "(suma svih mogućih a, suma svih mogućih b, suma svih mogućih c)")
After the failure with the previous problem, Fran decided to put in more effort on the next one:

Find all integer triples (a, b, c) with a > 0 > b > c whose sum equals 0, such that the number N = 2017 - a^3b - b^3c - c^3a is a perfect square of an integer.

The problem wasn't easy, and Fran spent the entire journey through Bestovje working on it. Now, it's your turn to give it a try! (Write the solution in the form "(sum of all possible a, sum of all possible b, sum of all possible c)").