Vrijeme: 21:23

Kockice | Cubes #3

Bob ima dvije šesterostrane kockice. Jedna od kockica je normalna, a druga kockica je promijenjena tako da je vjerojatnost da dobije šest \frac{2}{3}, a svaka od ostalih pet strana ima vjerojatnost \frac{1}{15} . Bob odabire jednu od dvije kocke nasumično i baca je tri puta. S obzirom da su prva dva bacanja oba šestice, koja je vjerojatnost da će i treće bacanje biti šestica?
Bob has two six-sided die. One of the die is fair, and the other die is biased so that it comes up six with probability \frac{2}{3} and each of the other five sides has probability \frac{1}{15}. Charles chooses one of the two dice at random and rolls it three times. Given that the first two rolls are both sixes, what is the probability that the third roll will also be a six?