Vrijeme: 21:43

Ima jedan broj... | There is a number... #1

Gabriel je na tavanu našao kutiju punu šarenih magneta u obliku brojeva! Brzo je skužio da ima po 1 magnet sa svakim brojem od 0 do 9, i tih je 10 magneta u nekom redoslijedu postavio na svoju najdražu ploču, stvarajući veliki šareni broj. Međutim, Gabriel je duboko uvjeren da broj 4 uvijek mora biti plave boje, te ga je jako zasmetalo što je magnet s četvorkom crven! Zato je maknuo četvorku i zadovoljno pogledao novonastali broj. Na svoje veliko oduševljenje, skužio je da je sada dobio potenciju broja 2! O kojoj je potenciji riječ?

Važno: Kao rješenje se traži eksponent, a ne konkretan broj.

Gabriel found a box full of colorful magnets shaped like numbers! He quickly realized he had one magnet for each number from 0 to 9, and he placed these 10 magnets in a certain order on his favorite board, creating a large colorful number. However, Gabriel firmly believes that the number 4 must always be blue, and he was very upset that the magnet with the number 4 was red! So, he removed the number 4 and was pleased with the newly formed number. To his great delight, he realized that the new number was a power of 2!

What power is it?

Note: The answer should be the exponent, not the actual number.