Vrijeme: 21:25
Senator | Senator #1
Luka jako voli igrati igre na sreću pa je jednog dana odlučio ići svoju iskušati. Odlučio je igrati poker s najmanjim mogućim ulogom nakon što je većinu novaca potrošio na automatima i ruletu. U pokeru, igrači dobivaju skup od 5 karata iz standardnog špila od 52 karte. Svaka karta ima jednu od 4 boje, i jedan od 13 brojeva. Radi jednostavnosti, recimo da su brojevi 1, 2, 3, . . . , 13. Dobiveni skup od 5 karata se naziva rukom. Tijekom igre se zapitao par matematičkih pitanja o mogućnostima. Koliko različitih poker ruku se može podijeliti iz standardnog špila od 52 karte?
Luka really likes to play games of chance, so one day he decided to try his own luck. He decided to play poker with the smallest possible stake after spending most of his money on slot machines and roulette. In poker, players are dealt a set of 5 cards from a standard deck of 52 cards. Each card has one of 4 suits, and one of 13 numbers. For simplicity, let's say that the numbers are 1, 2, 3, . . . , 13. The resulting set of 5 cards is called a hand. During the game, he asked himself a couple of mathematical questions about the possibilities. How many different poker hands can be dealt from a standard deck of 52 cards?