Vrijeme: 21:44
Recept | The Recipe #1
Borna je nedavno kupio stol s ladicama koje se zaključavaju i otključavaju troznamenkastom šifrom. U ladicu je pažljivo pospremio svoj recept za varivo od mahuna kako ga nitko ne bi pronašao i ukrao te je ladicu zaključao troznamenkastom šifrom. Međutim, u međuvremenu je zaboravio šifru. Kada je pitao proizvođača na koji način otvoriti ladicu, dobio je odgovor "nažalost, moraš isprobati sve mogućnosti". Borna zna da tih mogućnosti ima 1000 pa se pokušava i dalje sjetiti svoje šifre.
Sjetio se kako njegova šifra ne sadrži 2 jednake znamenke. Koliko mu je mogućnosti preostalo?
Borna recently bought a desk with drawers that lock and unlock with a three-digit code. He carefully stored his recipe for green bean stew in the drawer so that no one would find it and steal it, and he locked the drawer with a three-digit code. However, in the meantime, he forgot the code. When he asked the manufacturer how to open the drawer, he received the answer, 'unfortunately, you have to try all possibilities.' Borna knows that there are 1000 possibilities, but he is trying to remember his code.
He recalled that his code does not contain 2 identical digits. How many possibilities does he have left?