Vrijeme: 21:43
Recept | The Recipe #2
I dalje mu je to previše mogućnosti i isprobavanje svih tih mogućnosti oduzelo bi mu previše vremena. Zato razmišlja o mogućnosti da kupi pajser s kojim bi razbio ladice i lokot, međutim sjetio se još jednog podatka: kako mu je najdraža znamenka 2, njegova šifra sadrži znamenku 2. Također, kako ne voli znamenku 7, šifra ne sadrži znamenku 7.
Koliko mu je mogućnosti preostalo?
It's still too many possibilities for him, and trying all of them would take too much time. So, he is considering the option of buying a crowbar to break open the drawer and the lock. However, he remembered one more detail: since his favorite digit is 2, his code contains the digit 2. Also, since he doesn’t like the digit 7, the code does not contain the digit 7.
How many possibilities does he have left?