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Given three congruent rectangles in the space. Their centers coincide, but the planes they lie in are mutually perpendicular. For any two of the three rectangles, the line of intersection of the planes of these two rectangles contains one midparallel of one rectangle and one midparallel of the other rectangle, and these two midparallels have different lengths. Consider the convex polyhedron whose vertices are the vertices of the rectangles.

a.) What is the volume of this polyhedron ?

b.) Can this polyhedron turn out to be a regular polyhedron ? If yes, what is the condition for this polyhedron to be regular ?

Slični zadaci

1512IMO Shortlist 1977 problem 140
1506IMO Shortlist 1977 problem 80
1484IMO Shortlist 1975 problem 130
1232IMO Shortlist 1966 problem 490
1205IMO Shortlist 1966 problem 221
1187IMO Shortlist 1966 problem 42