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The function \varphi(x,y,z) defined for all triples (x,y,z) of real numbers, is such that there are two functions f and g defined for all pairs of real numbers, such that
\varphi(x,y,z) = f(x+y,z) = g(x,y+z)
for all real numbers x,y and z. Show that there is a function h of one real variable, such that
\varphi(x,y,z) = h(x+y+z)
for all real numbers x,y and z.

Slični zadaci

1978IMO Shortlist 1997 problem 221
1829IMO Shortlist 1992 problem 23
1788IMO Shortlist 1990 problem 180
1748IMO Shortlist 1989 problem 101
1685IMO Shortlist 1987 problem 10
1557IMO Shortlist 1979 problem 260