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Let a,b,c be real numbers with a non-zero. It is known that the real numbers x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n satisfy the n equations:\begin{align*}
ax_1^2+bx_1+c &= x_{2} \\
ax_2^2+bx_2 +c &= x_3 \\
\vdots \\
ax_n^2+bx_n+c &= x_1
Prove that the system has zero, one or more than one real solutions if (b-1)^2-4ac is negative, equal to zero or positive respectively.

Slični zadaci

1790IMO Shortlist 1990 problem 201
1245IMO Shortlist 1966 problem 620
1179IMO Shortlist 1965 problem 22
1170IMO Shortlist 1963 problem 41
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1143IMO Shortlist 1959 problem 33