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Given an oriented line \Delta and a fixed point A on it, consider all trapezoids ABCD one of whose bases AB lies on \Delta, in the positive direction. Let E,F be the midpoints of AB and CD respectively. Find the loci of vertices B,C,D of trapezoids that satisfy the following:

(i) |AB| \leq a (a fixed);

(ii) |EF| = l (l fixed);

(iii) the sum of squares of the nonparallel sides of the trapezoid is constant.

Remark. The constants are chosen so that such trapezoids exist.

Slični zadaci

1328IMO Shortlist 1968 problem 230
1317IMO Shortlist 1968 problem 120
1316IMO Shortlist 1968 problem 110
1311IMO Shortlist 1968 problem 60
1306IMO Shortlist 1968 problem 10
1259IMO Shortlist 1967 problem 31