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There are 2^n words of length n over the alphabet \{0, 1\}. Prove that the following algorithm generates the sequence w_0, w_1, \ldots, w_{2^n-1} of all these words such that any two consecutive words differ in exactly one digit.

(1) w_0 = 00 \ldots 0 (n zeros).

(2) Suppose w_{m-1} = a_1a_2  \ldots  a_n,\quad a_i \in \{0, 1\}. Let e(m) be the exponent of 2 in the representation of n as a product of primes, and let j = 1 + e(m). Replace the digit a_j in the word w_{m-1} by 1 - a_j. The obtained word is w_m.

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