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Let p be a prime and A = \{a_1, \ldots , a_{p-1} \} an arbitrary subset of the set of natural numbers such that none of its elements is divisible by p. Let us define a mapping f from \mathcal P(A) (the set of all subsets of A) to the set P = \{0, 1, \ldots, p - 1\} in the following way:

(i) if B = \{a_{i_{1}}, \ldots , a_{i_{k}} \} \subset A and \sum_{j=1}^k a_{i_{j}} \equiv n \pmod p, then f(B) = n,

(ii) f(\emptyset) = 0, \emptyset being the empty set.

Prove that for each n \in P there exists B \subset A such that f(B) = n.

Slični zadaci

1531IMO Shortlist 1978 problem 170
1522IMO Shortlist 1978 problem 80
1519IMO Shortlist 1978 problem 50
1355IMO Shortlist 1969 problem 250
1354IMO Shortlist 1969 problem 240
1353IMO Shortlist 1969 problem 230