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Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle. Let L be any line in the plane of the triangle ABC. Denote by u, v, w the lengths of the perpendiculars to L from A, B, C respectively. Prove the inequality u^2\cdot\tan A + v^2\cdot\tan B + w^2\cdot\tan C\geq 2\cdot S, where S is the area of the triangle ABC. Determine the lines L for which equality holds.

Slični zadaci

1972IMO Shortlist 1997 problem 160
1690IMO Shortlist 1987 problem 65
1469IMO Shortlist 1974 problem 100
1314IMO Shortlist 1968 problem 90
1250IMO Shortlist 1967 problem 40
1149IMO Shortlist 1960 problem 31