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ABC is a triangle, the bisector of angle A meets the circumcircle of triangle ABC in A_1, points B_1 and C_1 are defined similarly. Let AA_1 meet the lines that bisect the two external angles at B and C in A_0. Define B_0 and C_0 similarly. Prove that the area of triangle A_0B_0C_0 = 2 \cdot area of hexagon AC_1BA_1CB_1 \geq 4 \cdot area of triangle ABC.

Slični zadaci

1964IMO Shortlist 1997 problem 82
1801IMO Shortlist 1991 problem 30
1174IMO Shortlist 1964 problem 21
1165IMO Shortlist 1962 problem 61
1144IMO Shortlist 1959 problem 47
1142IMO Shortlist 1959 problem 221