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Solve the following system of equations, in which a is a given number satisfying |a| > 1:

\begin{matrix}x_{1}^{2}= ax_{2}+1\\ x_{2}^{2}= ax_{3}+1\\ \ldots\\ x_{999}^{2}= ax_{1000}+1\\ x_{1000}^{2}= ax_{1}+1\\ \end{matrix}

Slični zadaci

2236IMO Shortlist 2007 problem A39
2151IMO Shortlist 2004 problem A513
2013IMO Shortlist 1999 problem A32
1985IMO Shortlist 1998 problem A310
1930IMO Shortlist 1996 problem A41
1902IMO Shortlist 1995 problem A40