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Let U=\{1,2,\ldots ,n\}, where n\geq 3. A subset S of U is said to be split by an arrangement of the elements of U if an element not in S occurs in the arrangement somewhere between two elements of S. For example, 13542 splits \{1,2,3\} but not \{3,4,5\}. Prove that for any n-2 subsets of U, each containing at least 2 and at most n-1 elements, there is an arrangement of the elements of U which splits all of them.

Slični zadaci

1993IMO Shortlist 1998 problem C60
1990IMO Shortlist 1998 problem C33
1989IMO Shortlist 1998 problem C22
1988IMO Shortlist 1998 problem C13
1873IMO Shortlist 1993 problem N31
1861IMO Shortlist 1993 problem C40