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Denote by S the set of all primes such the decimal representation of \frac{1}{p} has the fundamental period divisible by 3. For every p \in S such that \frac{1}{p} has the fundamental period 3r one may write

\frac{1}{p}=0,a_{1}a_{2}\ldots a_{3r}a_{1}a_{2} \ldots a_{3r} \ldots ,

where r=r(p); for every p \in S and every integer k \geq 1 define f(k,p) by f(k,p)= a_{k}+a_{k+r(p)}+a_{k+2.r(p)}

a) Prove that S is infinite.
b) Find the highest value of f(k,p) for k \geq 1 and p \in S

Slični zadaci

2037IMO Shortlist 1999 problem N61
2036IMO Shortlist 1999 problem N51
2034IMO Shortlist 1999 problem N34
2033IMO Shortlist 1999 problem N21
1872IMO Shortlist 1993 problem N20
1871IMO Shortlist 1993 problem N16