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Let m,n\geq2 be positive integers, and let a_1,a_2,\ldots ,a_n be integers, none of which is a multiple of m^{n-1}. Show that there exist integers e_1,e_2,\ldots,e_n, not all zero, with \left|{\,e}_i\,\right|<m for all i, such that e_1a_1+e_2a_2+\,\ldots\,+e_na_n is a multiple of m^n.

Slični zadaci

2318IMO Shortlist 2009 problem N61
2232IMO Shortlist 2006 problem N60
2231IMO Shortlist 2006 problem N510
2202IMO Shortlist 2005 problem N614
2117IMO Shortlist 2002 problem N47
2116IMO Shortlist 2002 problem N37