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In a country there are n>3 cities. We can add a street between 2 cities A and B, iff there exist 2 cities X and Y different from A and B such that there is no street between A and X, X and Y, and Y and B. Find the biggest number of streets one can construct!

Official Wording The following operation is allowed on a finite graph: Choose an arbitrary cycle of length 4 (if there is any), choose an arbitrary edge in that cycle, and delete it from the graph. For a fixed integer {n\ge 4}, find the least number of edges of a graph that can be obtained by repeated applications of this operation from the complete graph on n vertices (where each pair of vertices are joined by an edge).

Slični zadaci

2159IMO Shortlist 2004 problem C62
2158IMO Shortlist 2004 problem C54
2157IMO Shortlist 2004 problem C42
2154IMO Shortlist 2004 problem C16
1873IMO Shortlist 1993 problem N31
1861IMO Shortlist 1993 problem C40