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Let k be a fixed integer greater than 1, and let {m=4k^2-5}. Show that there exist positive integers a and b such that the sequence (x_n) defined by x_0=a,\quad x_1=b,\quad x_{n+2}=x_{n+1}+x_n\quad\text{for}\quad n=0,1,2,\dots has all of its terms relatively prime to m.

Slični zadaci

2316IMO Shortlist 2009 problem N42
2286IMO Shortlist 2008 problem N37
2229IMO Shortlist 2006 problem N312
2175IMO Shortlist 2004 problem N65
2170IMO Shortlist 2004 problem N114
2034IMO Shortlist 1999 problem N34