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We colour every square of the 2009 \times 2009 board with one of n colours (we do not have to use every colour). A colour is called connected if either there is only one square of that colour or any two squares of the colour can be reached from one another by a sequence of moves of a chess queen without intermediate stops at squares having another colour (a chess quen moves horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Find the maximum n, such that for every colouring of the board at least on colour present at the board is connected.

Slični zadaci

1959IMO Shortlist 1997 problem 30
1749IMO Shortlist 1989 problem 113
1731IMO Shortlist 1988 problem 240
1653IMO Shortlist 1985 problem 120
1473IMO Shortlist 1975 problem 24
1470IMO Shortlist 1974 problem 110