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In each vertex of a regular n-gon, there is a fortress. At the same moment, each fortress shoots one of the two nearest fortresses and hits it. The result of the shooting is the set of the hit fortresses; we do not distinguish whether a fortress was hit once or twice. Let P(n) be the number of possible results of the shooting. Prove that for every positive integer k\geqslant 3, P(k) and P(k+1) are relatively prime.

Slični zadaci

2435MEMO 2010 pojedinačno problem 28
2259IMO Shortlist 2007 problem N36
2243IMO Shortlist 2007 problem C36
2102IMO Shortlist 2002 problem C41
2074IMO Shortlist 2001 problem C48
2048IMO Shortlist 2000 problem C43