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Given points O and A in the plane. Every point in the plane is colored with one of a finite number of colors. Given a point X in the plane, the circle C(X) has center O and radius OX+{\angle AOX\over OX}, where \angle AOX is measured in radians in the range [0,2\pi). Prove that we can find a point X, not on OA, such that its color appears on the circumference of the circle C(X).

Slični zadaci

1781IMO Shortlist 1990 problem 110
1773IMO Shortlist 1990 problem 32
1725IMO Shortlist 1988 problem 180
1661IMO Shortlist 1985 problem 207
1635IMO Shortlist 1984 problem 140
1553IMO Shortlist 1979 problem 220