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There are n + 1 cells in a row labeled from 0 to n and n + 1 cards labeled from 0 to n. The cards are arbitrarily placed in the cells, one per cell. The objective is to get card i into cell i for each i. The allowed move is to find the smallest h such that cell h has a card with a label k > h, pick up that card, slide the cards in cells h + 1, h + 2, ... , k one cell to the left and to place card k in cell k. Show that at most 2^n - 1 moves are required to get every card into the correct cell and that there is a unique starting position which requires 2^n - 1 moves. [For example, if $n = 2$ and the initial position is 210, then we get 102, then 012, a total of 2 moves.]

Slični zadaci

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