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Let P be a regular 2006-gon. A diagonal is called good if its endpoints divide the boundary of P into two parts, each composed of an odd number of sides of P. The sides of P are also called good.
Suppose P has been dissected into triangles by 2003 diagonals, no two of which have a common point in the interior of P. Find the maximum number of isosceles triangles having two good sides that could appear in such a configuration.

Slični zadaci

1890IMO Shortlist 1994 problem G47
1944IMO Shortlist 1996 problem G29
1995IMO Shortlist 1998 problem G18
2080IMO Shortlist 2001 problem G29
2217IMO Shortlist 2006 problem G131
2305IMO Shortlist 2009 problem G117