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Three strictly increasing sequences
a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots,\qquad b_1, b_2, b_3, \ldots,\qquad c_1, c_2, c_3, \ldots
of positive integers are given. Every positive integer belongs to exactly one of the three sequences. For every positive integer n, the following conditions hold:
(a) c_{a_n}=b_n+1;
(b) a_{n+1}>b_n;
(c) the number c_{n+1}c_{n}-(n+1)c_{n+1}-nc_n is even.
Find a_{2010}, b_{2010} and c_{2010}.

Slični zadaci

2238IMO Shortlist 2007 problem A52
2205IMO Shortlist 2006 problem A211
2204IMO Shortlist 2006 problem A117
2148IMO Shortlist 2004 problem A25
2122IMO Shortlist 2003 problem A31
1924IMO Shortlist 1995 problem S40