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Determine the polynomials P of two variables so that:

a.) for any real numbers t,x,y we have P(tx,ty) = t^n P(x,y) where n is a positive integer, the same for all t,x,y;

b.) for any real numbers a,b,c we have P(a + b,c) + P(b + c,a) + P(c + a,b) = 0;

c.) P(1,0) =1.

Slični zadaci

1980IMO Shortlist 1997 problem 240
1826IMO Shortlist 1991 problem 280
1582IMO Shortlist 1982 problem 60
1540IMO Shortlist 1979 problem 90
1524IMO Shortlist 1978 problem 100
1452IMO Shortlist 1973 problem 100