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Let ABCD be a fixed convex quadrilateral with BC=DA and BC not parallel with DA. Let two variable points E and F lie of the sides BC and DA, respectively and satisfy BE=DF. The lines AC and BD meet at P, the lines BD and EF meet at Q, the lines EF and AC meet at R.

Prove that the circumcircles of the triangles PQR, as E and F vary, have a common point other than P.

Slični zadaci

2306IMO Shortlist 2009 problem G226
2277IMO Shortlist 2008 problem G134
2192IMO Shortlist 2005 problem G37
2108IMO Shortlist 2002 problem G316
1997IMO Shortlist 1998 problem G35
1890IMO Shortlist 1994 problem G47