Junior Balkan MO 2017 - Problem 4
Avg: 0,0Težina:
Avg: 4,0Consider a regular -gon , in the plane, where is a positive integer. We say that a point on one of the sides of can be seen from a point that is external to , if the line segment contains no other points that lie on the sides of except . We color the sides of in 3 different colors (ignore the vertices of , we consider them colorless), such that every side is colored in exactly one color, and each color is used at least once. Moreover, from every point in the plane external to , points of most 2 different colors on can be seen. Find the number of distinct such colorings of (two colorings are considered distinct if at least one of sides is colored differently).
Izvor: Juniorska balkanska matematička olimpijada 2017.