MEMO 2014 pojedinačno problem 2
Avg: 3,0Težina:
Avg: 6,0 We consider dissections of regular
-gons into
triangles by
diagonals which do not intersect inside the
-gon. A bicoloured triangulation is such a dissection of an
-gon in which each triangle is coloured black or white and any two triangles which share an edge have different colours. We call a positive interger
triangulable if every regular
-gon has a bicoloured triangulation such that for each vertex
of the
-gon the number of black triangles of which
is a vertex is greater that the number of white triangles of which
is a vertex.
Find all triangulable numbers.

Find all triangulable numbers.
Izvor: Srednjoeuropska matematička olimpijada 2014, pojedinačno natjecanje, problem 2