IMO Shortlist 1992 problem 17
Avg: 0,0Težina:
Avg: 0,0 Let
be the number of digits equal to one in the binary representation of a positive integer
. Prove that:
(a) the inequality
(b) the above inequality is an equality for infinitely many positive integers, and
(c) there exists a sequence
such that
goes to zero as
goes to
Alternative problem: Prove that there exists a sequence a sequence
such that
(e) an arbitrary real number
(f) an arbitrary real number
goes to

(a) the inequality

(b) the above inequality is an equality for infinitely many positive integers, and
(c) there exists a sequence

goes to zero as

Alternative problem: Prove that there exists a sequence a sequence


(e) an arbitrary real number

(f) an arbitrary real number


Izvor: Međunarodna matematička olimpijada, shortlist 1992